
Rosa Mestre

Rosa Master was born in Angola and emerged into music in São Nicolau, Cape Verde, where her parents brought her to, as a baby.

However, it was in the island of S.Vicente that she made a leap in her career by having the opportunity to perform with renowned names like Chico Serra among others, participated in the Music Festival of Baía das Gatas, and in the city main entertainment centers, embellishing Mindelo’s Nights.

She recorded her first CD “ Horizonte Azul”, with the help of Hernani Moreira of the tourist group Oásis, with which she became one of the most prominent, figures in music on the island of Sal, Cape Verde.

Since than, new horizons have opened. She continued to develop her skills by sharing the stage in Lisbon, Sal, and other places with great names of Cape Verdean music.

And today, here is Rosa, a singing master who enchants the audience, with her new record that has 13 original tracks and one previously recorded traditional track.

In this album Rosa makes an excursion of the distinct sounds of the archipelago in a musical menu for you to taste the flavors of Cape Verdean Islands, which includes funaná, batuque, mazurka, talaia baxu, morna, coladeira and reggae, proving its versatility.

Another highlight is "Solera D'Nha Vida" a song with musical arrangements of African roots, dedicated to Cesária Évora and created by Glânzer Ramos e Djim Job.

With "Solera D'Nha Vida", as the title of the new album, Rosa Mestre appeals to several lyricists and composers thus providing a wide range of rich musical tastes for the Cape Verdean music lovers.

Adding her indisputable artistic gifts to those of renowned lyricists and composers, Rosa Mestre resorts to a plethora of distinguished Cape Verdeans and international musicians and singers to give this work a stamp.

A work that does not leave anyone feeling indifferent to the beauty of their compositions, arrangements and execution with mastery, with some names that do not require presentation and others that are imposing themselves in the Cape Verdean musical environment for their immeasurable talent, which constitutes an added value to the Cape Verdean musical panorama.



Solera D’Nha Vida

Solera D’Nha Vida

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