Collaboration Statement

Further Information on the Making of this Podcast / What does “collaboration” mean?

Written by Ruby Erickson

Candida and I use the term “collaboration” to describe this podcast project for two major reasons: firstly, because it grew out of conversations we had with one another around how to make sure research done in communities reaches those communities and highlights community voices; and secondly, because we host it together and our decisions around topics and guests are made collectively. It is also “collaborative” in that we depend on various community organizations to make the podcast possible: Orkka International, the Capeverdean American Community Development Center, the Cape Verdean Museum, etc. Finally, it is “collaborative” in that it is one of many elements of an ongoing relationship and project of research between myself and Cabo Verdean / American interlocutors – I come into this work with a great attachment to and desire to support this community’s musical life.

All this being said, it is important to be transparent that the podcast’s production is not a perfect 50-50 split. Candida is incredibly busy, and the grant money we have obtained to fund this podcast cannot compensate her to do the amount of work necessary for a perfectly even divide. So, we’ve reached a compromise. While we have ongoing conversations about themes and guests for our podcasts, I am largely responsible for scripting the podcasts – coming up with the introductions and questions that guide our conversation – with feedback from Candida. Throughout the course of a given podcast, I work from this script and Candida helps to shape the conversation in the moment, bringing in new insights and oftentimes turning the conversation in new directions. I am also responsible for the post-production of the podcast, which I edit in order to distill the conversation to its most engaging 30-45 minutes; I also add music, and side explanations, as necessary. This means that I am necessarily curating what is said, although I do my best to maintain the intent of what each person brings to the conversation, and don’t shy away from moments of disagreement or different points of view. I always get a final approval from Candida and any interviewees before publishing a given podcast episode. Finally, any written materials around the podcast (transcriptions, descriptions) are my own work and are meant to supplement a collective conversation.

Thanks for reading – we hope you enjoy the podcast!


Episode Four: Talentu na Terreru: Musical Collaboration and Cape Verdean Revolutionary History


Episode Three: Calu di Guida, Konpozitor Kriativu